Rescue Me Goose Chasing LLC 
Canine Goose Control
Since 2011
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     Providing Humane & Effective Geese Control, Management and Removal      
Reclaim your Property with our Certified Geese Management Programs !

    Many species of wildlife are welcome visitors to our properties, but some individuals, like wild Canada Geese, can wear out their welcome.  We are a high quality, Certified Geese Management service that can get rid of geese. . . Fast!    RMGC has been providing quality, Certified Geese Control since 2011.  RMGC handlers take the time and effort to work your property with our highly trained goose dogs to humanely haze geese off your property .  

   We offer the most environmentally safe, humane and Certified methods of canine geese control.  Our methods are even PETA approved and endorsed.  The wild geese are never harmed because we choose only friendly, highly trained, working Australian Shepherds. Our herding techniques are efficient and have long lasting effects.


Contact Us
 Call us for all of your Goose Control needs!
Follow us on these Social Network links!
  • Why choose  Rescue Me Goose Chasing for your Geese Control?
  • Trained and Certified by the National Wildlife Control Operators Association - 2012
  • Fully Licensed and  Insured
  • ​Family owned and Operated since 2011
  • ​Experience Servicing Commercial, Residential, HOA and Municipal Properties
  • Humane Canine Goose Control Herding Methods
  • PeTA and Humane Society Approved

C O M M E R C I A L         P A R K S  A N D   R E C R E A T I O N A L  F A C I L I T I E S         R E S I D E N T I A L         S C H O O L S        I N D U S T R I A L

Ready to Get Rid of Your Nuisance Geese?

Schedule Your FREE Property Survey Today!

Facility Manager Testimonial​

 "I contacted Rescue Me Goose Chasing last year after many years of trying on our own to get rid of the Canadian Geese that came to our 6 acre property every year. We had as many as 25 geese making us their summer home."

  "We had tried chemicals, electronic devices, and Coyote Facsimiles to no avail.
Within a month of Rescue Me Goose Chasing's service start we saw a significant reduction of geese and by the fall of 2014 the geese were pretty much gone! "

"Rescue Me Goose Chasing has been pleasant to work with and they are great at follow up to see if we are satisfied."

 - L. Campbell, Facility Manager

See more testimonials on our following pages!  

    RMGC services a large area. We can put together an extensive Geese Management Plan based on our experience servicing many types of properties to fit your specific needs. Our handlers are probably already in your neighborhood.  

    Let us put our CERTIFIED GEESE MANAGEMENT TRAINING and EXPERIENCE to work for you.

Trusted Since 2011